
Brand new year brand new hairstyle

haha actually nt new hairstylei just went to cut my fringebetter than my aunty's look =.=hahawil upload photo laterbtwjust to wish everyoneHAPPY NEW YEAR!!HAPPY 2009!! HAHA ...

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my fav blouse ahahtwo cha bohs XDSwensen~ the food thr okok laummx somebody bought me this (xmas or new year prezzie? haha watever)can b wear as skirt or tube dress ...

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Update update

hehe so lazy larx ntg to update puni went shopping last few daysbought quite a number of new clothes quite satisfactory =Dummx ntg specialxmas coming soonfinal is around the cornergotta pia d XDlast but not least MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE ahah  hehe so lazy larx ntg to update puni went shopping last few daysbought quite a number of new clothes quite satisfactory =Dummx ntg specialxmas coming soonfinal is around...

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Since i have nothing to updatei m going to update this LOLbig rite?ahahaxthe "inti" got like meat(duno wat meat pun LOL),then mushroom,egg, erm "hai som" stl lot sumore cant remember XD*small jokesmy bro duno said wat 包皮then we all were laughing crazymy lil couz also laughmy aunt asked her: u kno wat we were laughing meh?(tht time we alredi think senget)then she ans:...

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Back? Black?

This blog has been abandoned for longi knew ththahacz ntg special to update mak la tal bout todayso blackblack friday lolxjusk woke nia no electricity =.=after tht went toilettak boleh flush pulak = =nvm nvmi wan eat bfastwan cook hard boil eggmana tau no gas >.<after my mum chg gas, then ma cook my eggsi tot the egg was donebut stl nt fully...

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Went to meet my darling~ Jingwei whom i met one year ago LOL n Xin Xian (half year ago XD)  n Ee Hung whom i met 2 days ago LOLWe went redbox2 hours oni student pricetak cukup la!!!!!sang half of one song diok stop i was choosing songssuddenly hang ki-.- belum cukup 4pm also makan duit!!then group picsLOLthen pi jalan jalan then home dsien hor LOLheard...

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Ki Siao

I think i got abit siaowoke so early for assignment LOLnt early d la hahah bout 6.45sit at dining room thrcz thr oni can on9BUT THEN HORso many mosquitoesderrrritchy niai killed two XDstl got many din kill HAHAHAAHYEA as i said i siao d XDignore me XDgrrrrrrr gatalnya ...

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