
Hibernation Mode~!!

Since final is just few days away, I think I will switch this blog to hibernation mode until end of the exam ^^ Stay tune for my latest update =) well I went my cousin's house overnight last night, and I think I have caught a cold =.= keep sneezing non stop = =  Or else there is someone who miss me non...

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相思 唐• 王维 红豆生南国,春来发几枝; 愿君多采撷,此物最相思。  红豆 曲:柳重言词:林夕还没好好的感受雪花绽放的气候我们一起颤抖会更明白什么是温柔还没跟你牵著手走过荒芜的沙丘可能从此以后学会珍惜天长和地久有时候有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开都有时候没有什么会永垂不朽可是我有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我看细水长流还没为你把红豆熬成缠绵的伤口然后一起分享会更明白相思的哀愁还没好好的感受醒著亲吻的温柔可能在我左右你才追求孤独的自由有时候有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开都有时候没有什么会永垂不朽可是我有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我看细水长流 有时候有时候我会相信一切有尽头相聚离开都有时候没有什么会永垂不朽可是我有时候宁愿选择留恋不放手等到风景都看透也许你会陪我看细水长流 Saje but I just simply like this song =) ...

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I am missing NS XD (ss againXD)

Due to the consequent rainy days, it was so cold last night So I decided to wear long sleeve for sleeping which I used to XD The only long sleeves I have is the warm Ns T shirt XD not bad hurr still cant last so long summore so warm ahaha heheh plus the mood of "syok-sendiri" here comes with a few photos...

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The not-so-nice burger

ehhe I was hungry when I wanted to take my nap just now Then I decided to make myself a burger to satify my tummies XD then I realised the burger meat was still in frozen gosh what to do? LOL then my mum think of steam it XD good idea mummy~!! yeahhh~!! this is not so nice looking burger yer satisfaction tea...

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Yeahhh finally i done editting my blog haha phew few hours sitting here =.= big scream~!! my time wasted ~!!!! hahaha anyways this is new me with new blogskin enjoy peeps ^^ ...

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Relax~!! Relax~!!

This is not my style, but i did it~!! Hahah i went for a movie yday with my two couz, Phei n ShenqY i said so?Thts because usually i will be stuck at home k-ing books before final exambut this semseems like totally bo sim"half- give- up" eh situation i went to watch movie XDThum up to this movieFunny yet meaningful =) This...

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Saje of the saje XD

Since this blog alredi "dead" for photos for so long, i decided to add some pic of mine XD forgive mei m just too lazy to upload will's pics XD ignore my tummies :X again :/ so fat =.= lut sek d zzz haha ...

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Exam is just around the corner~!!

Yaya as my title, final exam is coming n i m just start preparing =.=we shall c how i gonna die this time:/n this time sem break oni two weeks~!!!!!siao where enuf :Swell i m stl here facebook-ing XDwakakakakadie liao die liao this time ...

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