Yesterday, as promised, I went Redbox with 7 of my cousins Going out with them is totally RELAX~!! They're good at joking and "zho-siao-ing" =D But Redbox's service abit errbbbb XD anyways ignore it as soon as we got into the room we start singing lo the most 经典 eh time is when we sang 恋爱-ing and 离开地球表面 =D =D this part I...
Hmm cant think of any nice title =) Why I will named this? We shall see Went down to KL few days ago the main purpose is to visit my nephew hmmm really feel him so pity lying on lil bed with all "pipes" on his body poor thing :( anyways he is a tough boy wish him recover soon :D I know he...
continue to the title, sounds familiar right? quoted from Bernard chew LOL perhaps I am finished too hahah haha watever la finish exam d ma should celebrate d right? I went for a movie just now the movie is ok but d**n those kids inside cinema shout like hell =.= next time if you wan to shout inside cinema dont go la~!! annoying...