Live to Laugh And I just did it couple of hours ago..In fact non stop for todayFeels great to laughHelps to reduce some of the stressStay tune for longer post, will be back soonREAL SOON =D Never say Never table table table td { vertical-align: top; !important; }span.blacktext12 { visibility: visible !important; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-color: transparent; font-size: 0px;...
Jay Sean : Baby, are you down, down, down, down, down? Down, down Even if the sky is falling down? JJ林俊杰:I'll be yr teddy bear I'll be yr clown Justin Bieber: We can't go nowhere but up Baby we can go Nowhere but up 疯了,到底要up 还是 down? 不过很确定现在的心情是DOWN 忙了几个星期 还是没有松懈下来 大考要到了 不是不想温习 只是太多的coursework,压到喘不过气来 连要温习的时间也被剥夺了 天啊,这种非人生活还要持续多久?! 学校根本就是把我们当成超人,拼命把assignments presentations吩咐下来 把成绩考差了,就说我们不够努力 其实他们不懂,我们其实是不够时间 JJ: 原来我只是突然累了 原来我不说了 原来我撑着撑到麻了 碎碎念完毕,生活还是要继续 我是一只小小鸟 ...