翻开我的Instagram,这新年期间,其实每天都在Po 照片 如果说一张照片代表一个故事的话,那么其实,我有很多故事要说 你们想先听哪一个? Awesome night view! Penang is so BEAUTIFUL <3 awesome="" font="" nightview="" pearloforient="" penang="">3> It has been the 4th year we celebrating this day together.. Although you're not here, the feelings are still as strong as it was the 1st time... Wish there are more 214 to come! Happy Valentines Day Mr. B <3 font="" imy="" ldr="" oldpic="" valentines="" yeesheng90="">3> Loving the cafe.. #penang #lovely #lavanillepastry #sweet #macarons #cupcakes #randomshot #oldpenang #Georgetown #nightview Annual CNY activity ------ 人日 · 金蛇纳福癸巳年新春文化廟會 #廟會 #penang #cny2013 #nightview #withmynikon 绚丽的星光伴着慈悲救难的观音菩萨 ♥ Haul for the year! Happy Chap Goh Meh! :P #angpaos #cny2013 #myphotography #random 新年来到尾声啦,但新的一年正要开始 希望新的一年烦恼减少,财富多一点,身体安康,喜乐平安就好 元宵节快乐!♥