
Highly Recommended Movie♥

That day I was chit-chatting with my cousin when I was driving oppps XD and then say that wanted to go watch movie la bla bla then he recommend me this movie =) Thx my twins cousie XD hahaha then today I went to watch this movie with my cousin inside the cinema only less than 20 people lo... pitiful hahaha This movie's title is...

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寂寞 好了

Currently listening to this song =) 作詞:張天成 / 作曲:彭學斌 拼命的上網 悶壞的胸口讓我 想大聲的吶喊 我努力不放 你冷淡 你讓分手就這樣 我連做夢也感覺受傷 一年過了 還是一天 計算著慌張 計程車上的音響 我們最愛的情歌 這一刻卻重重擊破思念的心臟 夜深了我怎麼辦 寂寞了誰在身旁 心情變得好複雜 想她 念她 恨她 一個人你害怕嗎 細數過滿天星光 說好永遠不分開 多假 多假 多假 讓記憶長出翅膀飛翔 心放空了 寂寞好了 堅強外表下 我脆弱 情人節開始失常 別人慶祝我卻很失落 秋天過了 冬天漫長… 歡愉而感傷 我們天真的勇敢 我們追求的夢想 捨不得也只能收藏旅行的時光 夜深了我怎麼辦 寂寞了誰在身旁 心情變得好複雜 想她 念她 恨她 一個人你害怕嗎 細數過滿天星光 說好永遠不分開 多假 多假 多假 讓記憶長出翅膀飛翔 心放空了 寂寞好了 寂寞感冒全都可以好的...

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My Darlingsssss ♥

Introduce to you my darling today hahah his name is Shawn, or u can call him baby Shawn He is cute and adorable LOL *againnnnnnn* haha look at his eyes, so big~!! he is too active, hard to capture his photo LOL guai guai let me capture =) finally the nice one ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another darling this darling is younger ABIT ahaha his name...

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Nice Weekend

As promised, my meeting with ch which was postponed from last weekend to this weekend had fulfiled XDWe went for a movie A cartoon actually hahaha Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballsahaha not bad thoughhopefully I wont feel disgusting seeing those food next time XDand then I bought myself a pursehahahkinda love it =D very cheap nia but nice wakakaka chit-chat with ch,...

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Short Update

It has been sometimes I din update my blog LOL not lazy is ntg to writeee ahahaha so jz wanna promote my family's blog *hints: there is a handsome guy to see* click  HERE LOL stay tune for my next update XD ...

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A Substantial Morning ^^

My mum woke me at 6.20 this morningHow come so early?Thats because I promised her want to go for a walk with hermy class start at 1 todayI got plenty time to do so XDI'm getting fatter these daysshould not continue pampering myself >.<ahaha I will keep it up the following weeks XDafter that I had my lovely breakfast while continue watching my...

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In My Expectations =)

Exam results is out today not happy nor sad cz in my expectation =) the most unhappy is I CANT LOG INTO THE STUPID INTRANET~!!! arghhh just asked the help from friend how come she can I cant? Duh duh duh btw I m fated not getting an A in english XD ...

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Someone I adore

本来想写英文,却发现英文烂到不行 XD 没办法咯,只好写中文 标题翻译-----一个我仰慕的人 很俗,好像在写作文 老实说,也不知道什么时候开始喜欢上他 他就是有那种魅力可以深深吸引着我 中学时候疯狂追着他 也不是很疯狂啦,只是莫名其妙的喜欢他 =$ =$ 对他的认识 其实是从戏剧开始,慢慢开始觉得他的声音好有磁性,唱起歌来简直可以融化我的心 XD 他人长得很帅,很有魅力,身材魁梧 waaaa简直就是我的dream man XD 也难怪,少女情窦初开的心嘛 =D 后来的后来,对他的认识多了,才知道原来他含着金钥匙出世 尽管如此,他并没有因为而嚣张起来 反而很认真投入事业,为的是努力证明有钱少爷也可以拼出一片天 哦对了干吗无端端提起他? 就是最近无聊透顶找了一部他主演的连续剧----家好月圆,来看,又重新爱上他了XD 说这么多,他是谁? 他有个很“玉树临风”的名字 他就是林峰啦 哈哈 我不是盲目追星的,是值得学习的对象,才是我仰慕的对象 .............................. 是不是很帅? 玉树“林峰” XD ...

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细细哭泣上天滴着怜悯的眼泪哀悼各地灾民月亮也羞愧得藏了起来不见昔日光芒万民皆灯普天同庆欢笑 打闹 蛋糕中秋节眨眼就过月圆  人也团圆?非也一口月饼一口茶缺了一角离完美还有一分 p/s: yk 小弟弟,祝你早日康复,快回来和我们团聚 =)p/p/s:谢谢你,讯息很有意思 ^^ ...

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