
My Long-Lost Darling ♥


adui my rabbit tooth came out again!! @@

As promised, went to meet darling yesterday at GP
Finally, after about half a year no meet
hmmmmmmm miss her lotss LOL
After I reached GP, she said she was hungry
Accompanied her to Sakae Sushi
Seeing her eat XD
Chit-chatted and gossiped around XD
女人在一起总有聊不完的话题 hahaah
Then she accompanied me to walk around and search for my red red CNY top
Met SS there... Ish so bad la him why must him so honest LOL
Almost finish walking all shops in GP still cant find the one I like
Finally found one poto tee in Hang Ten
Darling bought one and I bought one
We bought the same shirt XD
Ang ang bo hai lang, gonna wear it on the first day keke
Then she acc me to 台湾风味情for dinner
In a hurry o got home we only took two pics
sobx so bad
We shall have more next time =D
Had a great great time with her yesterday
Love you muacksss
p/s Glad she not yet go back auusie for the time being XD

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6 Hearts

  1. fuh..i so honest@good..how to describe me..hehe..oo..ur darling lai .. no wonder..

  2. SS: ishh i gek sim or few days jor.. all ur fault T.T wat no wonder? i love her more than a word ahahaha

  3. 哈哈哈glad that u had a great time with me~! we will meet more often then =] muac

  4. hahaha of course i seldom got listener eh lo
    sorry to ur ears =P
    stl rmb our sunrise date =P

  5. haha my ears are thick enough, wont get hurt so easily =D

    wondering if we two could wake up at 5am or not == or even earlier!

  6. can i can hahahha when wan go? go penang hill? XD


Thanks for the pretties comments ♥

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