
Am i a Good Gf??

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?Result: Dream GirlYou've got it all -- affection, a cool head, a positive attitude, and all that other stuff that guys want their girlfriends to have. You're light-hearted, fun, romantic and not too sleazy -- a great combination. When you start a relationship, there's a good chance the guy will totally fall for you, whether he intended to...

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My Kissing Style

What's Your Kissing Style?Result: Romantic KisserBeware of your kiss -- it's been known to make people fall in love.To you, kisses are the finest expression of love. (And you love being in love.) You think that the best kisses happen when the feelings are strong and the love vibes are pumping at maximum speed. That doesn't mean you're a traditional kisser, though --...

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My Mental Age

What's Your Mental Age?Result: 43 Years OldRegardless of how old your body is, up in your head, you're paying mortgages and complaining about back pain. That's great that you're so mature, but remember: it's okay to cut loose and act young every once in a while. Do your wild side a favor and stay up past 10:00 one night this week.STATS:15% (69,687) other...

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My Secret Talent

What's Your Secret Talent?Result: Reading People's MindsBet you already knew that, right?There's not really any point in explaining any more of this to you, since you probably already know what we'd say. But if you're one of those non-believers, who's still not even sure you have ESP, we recommend you open your mind and start exploring your new-found talent. Great places to start:...

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