

Yesterday i was on phone with CH, one of my besties during secondary sch...It was such a long time we both have talked to each other...Saw her blog then i smsed her...Never thought that she wil call me n i was watching tv at tht time...Suddenly my phone rang then da first ques she asked me" wei miss me not?"LOL sure miss ler...

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Couz Wedding

Last weekend was my vouz wedding, whole family was so excited n busy preparing fridayafter bac from col started to set my hair XDmy couz told me i looked like aunty GRRRRR fine my bie said so sobxxBUT da hair stylist told me is like korean style LOL haha watever lathen "zi lian" awhile after tht went to the dinner placemany ppl said...

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Thts wat i made ydaysimple yet nicewanna try?? hahahabefore add in longan"family pic" hahaha ...

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Go read my post in cari then then me ur gan xiang hahahTHX!!!! ...

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Bie is back!!

my noti bie is bac!!but oni for two days larx :( zzzzzactually was sleeping last nite at 8 smtgi was too tired cz gt class since 9 to 7 =.=busy until no time do revision =.=he gave me sweets hoping me to sleep wellbut after tht i could nt sleep anymorethen i msg with himfeeling myself nt well like wanna feversummore quarrel with...

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Busy Busy

sorry readersi was so busy with those tutorials lecturals assignments homeworks revision until no time to updatehahaha ntg so special alsonxt week i wil updatecz my couz's wedding hhahagonna wear pretty pretty XD ...

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致baby:好好反省下你要什么时候才肯改掉你的牛脾气 ...

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Happy Daddy's Day

Yday was father's day...my couz n i decided to cook XD for our lovely dadsi cook curry chicken while my bro cook eggs with prawns...my couz cook vege n chinese dumpling....ummx sumore we bought ice cream n soft drinks with da remaining moneyso full yet so niceour desserts are float n agar agarWHAT AN ENJOYABLE WEEKEND =)feed pig mia XD shui gaowow a...

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