
Its the last day of 2009~!!

Well I am just blog for the sake of blogging Dont quite like mh blog being abandoned for long XD Hahaha well dont quite like today as my regular visiting "friend" come and vist me today made me rather tired However I did something which I never expected I myself will do that~!! wakakaka *evil laugh* Happy happy ;) I will do it...

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今天是圣诞节 姑且不去说我的平安夜怎么过 少不了的烧烤派队,交换圣诞礼物,还有瞬间“陨落”的烟火 就这样 病了,煎炸的东西不能吃,应该多休息,却熬夜到凌晨三点,我的极限了 今天和老爸约好到浮罗山背走一趟 平时听话的车竟然在这时候闹脾气,被逼扫兴而归 重看“不能说的秘密”,还是不了解剧情,哈!! 睡了整个下午,上网看了小说 又吃,肥油一公斤RM5, lelong anyone? 开玩笑~!! ———————————————————————————————————————— 好了离题了,言归正传 也不知道打从什么时候开始,就很喜欢“藤井树”的书 其中一本“六弄咖啡馆”让我印象深刻 很喜欢作者的写作手法 说不上为什么喜欢,就好像喜欢一个人,但说不出原因 个人比较善忘,看过的书,看过的电影,往往都不会记得剧情 虽然这本是我喜欢的,我也没有把它牢记 所以现在在网上重看一遍 哈~!! 问我为什么没买来收藏?可笑,我也不知道  =D 內容簡介 六弄的老闆是個年輕人,男的。大約三十歲吧。六弄是店名,所以就叫做六弄咖啡館。奇怪的是,店並不是開在某巷六弄裡,它的地址甚至只有某巷某號,沒有某弄。 在某個加完班的深夜,因為道路施工,她繞道平時不大可能經過的地方,逗弄一隻可愛的小貓時,被突然出現的老闆拐進還沒正式營業的店裡,喝了一杯咖啡。 黑咖啡使她無法成眠,於是,她又來到六弄咖啡館,聽老闆說起一段故事,一段,令人胸口發熱的故事…… 作者簡介 藤井樹 本名吳子雲,他喜歡別人叫他吳子雲,而不是藤井樹。 處女座,O型,身高應該不會再增加,但體重非常需要增加,最愛的城市是高雄市,最想去的城市是西雅圖,曼徹斯特和洛杉磯。 認為文字是除了電影以外最大的力量,因為還沒有機會深入電影幕後,所以停留在文字的世界等待與電影相遇的機會。 最喜歡的影星是勞勃迪尼洛,梅爾吉伯遜,喬治克隆尼和布萊德彼特,認為全世界最美的女性是珍妮佛康納莉和侯佩岑,而自己最愛的女人是母親。 如果你問他:「那妻子不會是你的最愛嗎?」 他會回答你:「等到出現了再來談愛還不遲。」 他沒有最喜歡的作家,因為他認為所有的作家都是前輩,硬是要挑幾個來喜歡是一種不敬,因此所有的作家都是好作家。 兩千年開始至今共出版了十一本書,是網路小說史上第一個為自己的作品寫歌,第一個為自己的作品製作動畫,也是第一個將網路小說分成上下兩部完成的人。 著有《我們不結婚,好嗎》、《貓空愛情故事》、《這是我的答案》、《有個女孩叫Feeling》、《聽笨金魚唱歌》、《從開始到現在》、《B棟11樓》、《這城市》、《十年的你》、《學伴蘇菲亞》、《寂寞之歌》。 他的願望是,在死之前,能夠留下至少一部最愛的小說,一部電視劇,一部電影給這個世界。 有兴趣的,可以上到这个网站看   按我 ...

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Thankful ♥

Yesterday, after a long chat with LM now I knew how hard is her course to be a nurse be tought girl, I am sure you can do it... You got my full mentally support :) I appreciate everything what I had now my family, my friends this study road is not easy though I will continue to do my best =) All...

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Mini Gathering

I have done all my mid-term tests and submitted all assigments all meaning that final exam is just around the corner well I stll dont have the study mood yet :) Sms-ed Li Mei and said I want to meet up Havent seen her for two years since after Ns wooots That was tooooooo loonnnggg Sms-ed Xue Li too Cause I knew We...

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On Diet? Hopefully

Really I started to jog when I got free time mostly is weekdays after my class dismiss and when the timetable is not so packed Jog with my cousin and I realised I got "breathing-difficulty" problem so I cant really jog too long yet fast walking also made me sweat alot The feeling of sweating is damn nice indeed XD I on diet...

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Since dunno whenI have become more girlishwear dress, wear heels, leave long hair, pinned and tied up my hair etc ahahahaha I bet you will be shocked when you see me wearing dress now compare with last time boy-cut hair with baggy pantsLOLyet I like this new changeperhaps for future there will be more changes?ahahawell today's main point is that I realise I...

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Nice Day Without Booksss

As yesterday I have only one lecture.. I have changed it to Monday thus I got one extra "hols" as others XD Went shopping with mum Bought one dress Likeyy =) Went in the morning and back at 3 then my cousin called Said can accompany me for movie Asked my bro to buy ticket for us Avatar at 9.30pm woots those people...

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Shot Update.. BRB soon

Baby Comp is back phewww spent RM235 on it to change new hard disc and buy a speaker I noticed I m better in what so called "self-control" for not blogging, on9-ing, pps-ing, msn-ing and most importantly FACEBOOK-ING for more than one week wakakakaka Happy =D anyway I have done my Audit and Econ test Hope really can get distinction for that HOPE...

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I Got A Feeling

Started to feel emowhen there is too many things with too little time leftyet I dont have any mood to start on anythingJust leave it therestare at thempray hardhow come this girl is so emo when come to studies?is it that hard?is it the course chosen not suitable to her?I shoudnt have regrettedthis is the road I have chosenthe path that I should...

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Lazy Sunday

I was supposed guai guai stay at home and study for next week TESTS yeahh is TESTS I got 3 tests in total Financial Management, Princple of Auditing and Business Economics yet I am so so darn lazy so followed my aunt out for shopping hahaha long time din go GP d since after the movie 2012 bought one Polo tee thx aunt...

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Holiday = Shopping Day

Today MQA people went our college classes were all canceled so I took this chance to shop with my dear couz XD Went to Prangin as there were more choices Went at 12 and I got a bad feeling Clothes nowadays are getting more weird LOL! and I thought I cant grab any home Then started to spot a few.. After two hours my...

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